Rider Magazine USA January 2008 We tested the Carbtune Pro on several carbureted and fuel-injected motorcycles and found it worked flawlessly. ...The actual sync procedure is something 99 percent of motorcycle owners can handle easily... We ordered direct (from Morgan Carbtune UK)and received the Carbtune Pro within a week, at a bargain shipping rate of about $6." See full article here. Bike Magazine December 2007 Forget drugs, Buddhism, therapy and exercise. The ultimate route to spiritual well-being is carburettor balancing. You start with a motorcycle that, on tick-over, sounds like a carpet-lined toolbox falling down never-ending stairs. It runs, but with two broken ankles. And you end up with a thrum so contented it brings tears of pride to your eyes. Of course, I hadn't intended to balance the carbs. I thought I'd ploughed through all the CBRs niggling faults. Mind you even when adjusted to a normal idle speed the engine sounds horribly lumpy. I know the valve clearances are spot on so the carbs are probably out of synchronisation - the theory being that each carb has to deliver exactly the same amount of fuel/air mixture as its neighbour otherwise the engine can't run evenly or efficiently. Getting this sorted at a dealer would cost about 50, and a carb-balancing tool is..(around the same). I buy one, it's called a Morgan Carbtune..
With the Carbtune .. attached to the inlets you fire up the engine.
Sure enough the inlet pressures are wildly different. ..After pissing about
with the carb adjusters the little steel cylinders line up.
The change in engine note is astonishing. It now sounds slick, liquid and
relaxed - I can hardly believe a humble DIYer like me has achieved it. And
the throttle response is impossibly crisp. Talk about satisfying. So would I recommend you have a go? Definitely. I honestly can't wait for the carbs to go out of balance again.€ Motorcycle Consumer News December 2003 "The Carbtune is the perfect throttle body or carburetor synchronization accessory for the do-it-yourselfer" Classic Bikes magazine September 2003 "20 minutes with a Morgan Carbtune works wonders, restoring an even tickover and giving the bike a creamy off the throttle engine response." Fast Bikes magazine January 2003 "Morgan have been making these balancing gauges for years now and quite frankly they are the best. Well balanced carbs give more performance and better fuel economy, for the sake of about an hours work"  | Carbtune II awarded "Recommended" status by RiDE magazine! In the March 1999 RiDE test on carb balancers from a wide range of manufacturers the Carbtune II scored the highest and was the only tool to be "Recommended". Read the review. | Motorcyclist magazine USA. June 2000 **** Rating Sync your own carbs lately? ... C'mon it's not that hard - but first you'll be wanting a take-home-style vacuum gauge not unlike this Carbtune II - a UK made, column-type gauge that replaces the usual mercury indicators with environmentally safe (and much more rugged) stainless steel bars. Tested against a set of "professional" mercury sticks, the CII produced identical readings,.... Kudos to the CII for including comprehensive instructions, two diameters (5mm and 6mm) of adapters, hoses that are soft, compliant and easy to work with.... BMW Owner News USA Nov 2000 “Connecting the Carbtune II to the R1100RS I noted the position of the rods. I then connected my trusty mercury manometer in place of the Carbtune II. Result: exact same reading. However it was obvious that the Carbtune II fluctuated considerably less than the mercury unit. This simply made it easier to synchronize the throttle body openings.. ....and in my opinion the company’s diligence and persistence has paid off. My mercury unit and the (dial) vacuum gauges are going to see as much use in the future as a Vespa scooter at Sturgis.” Classic & Motorycycle Mechanics Sept 2000 “I have used John Morgans Carbtune II with great success. Cheaper than dial gauges and a great deal easier to use, they are also more accurate and you can see much more easily what’s going on.” Snippets of some of the many positive press reviews over more than 20 years: Biker magazine 1981 ".......it works extremely well." Mechanics magazine1983 ".... they worked a treat." Mechanics 1984 "During our test which included the ball type gauges (£67.33), two sets of dial type gauges, Suzukis electronic gauges (£331.48).... the Carbtune came out tops" Performance Bikes 1985 "They show every sign of being well developed and represent excellent value for money. ...Fluctuation is not a problem, .......the results are first class." Australian Motorcycle News 1987 "...the Carbtune versions are excellent value..... The whole set up looks near impossible to break." Despatch Rider 1988 "Looking back at all the dial type gauges he's used he reckons the Carbtune from Morgan beats them hands down on every point as well as representing excellent value for money." Motor Cycle News 1990 "Still the cheapest and most accurate gauges are Carbtune gauges....." Which Motorcycle 1993 ".........they are more accurate and robust..... Recommended." The new Carbtune II has just carried on where the old one left off. Motor Cycle News February1994 " Widely recognised as being easy to use and accurate is the Morgan kit." Motorcycle Sport July 1994 "We can happily recommend the Carbtune II as an accurate and robust tool for the job" Motor Cycle News July 1994 "...for bikers on the move they're a good choice"  | Performance Bikes August 1994: " ..instructions are clear, well written and helpful....this type seems just as useful but with added portability." | Bike December 1994 "It's such a simple piece of kit and will stand huge amounts of abuse. ............clear, extensive instructions." Secondhand Bike February 1995 "It's easy to use and comes with loadsa fittings to suit different bikes, ........Highly recommended."  | Back Street Heroes May 1995 "The instructions were easy to follow and idiot proof. ....The Carbtune II didn't look as though it would be as accurate as its mercury (Carbtune) equivalent but once set up on a bike........proved to be quicker and easier to read than the mercury gauges and tested perfectly against the mercury on a GS550, Z1100, and CX500." | Motor Cycle News 25/9/96 "Very sensitive, easy to read, cheap and accurate"  | RiDe Magazine August 1998 "makes a tricky job easy." | Classic Motorcycle Mechanics November 1998 "...Carbtune II is surely one of the easiest to use carb tuning aids on the market." |