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Brass adaptor kit


4 adaptors (state size) Guide price £8
8 adaptors (4 each size) Guide price £12

5mm and 6mm brass adapters. Everyday choice for connecting to inlets. Now have a slot for removal by screwdriver. Suitable for permanent connection to the inlets when used with a thread sealant. Includes nitrile sealing washers.

Nitrile hoses


4 x 1 metre lengths Guide price £12

Comes in 1 metre lengths for connecting gauges to carburettors. Will work with any gauges. 5mm id x 8mm od.

This is not a fuel hose and should not be used for a fuel supply.

Remote extension kit

Not available anymore



A new product to use with Carbtune Pro or any vacuum gauges. It consists of four brass adapters, either 5mm or 6mm, long-term British Standard fuel and heat resistant hose (1.2 mtr 4-way kit), connectors and end caps. Its makes connecting vacuum gauges to your bike very easy.

On quite a lot of bikes connecting adapters is very awkward (on some YZF750s you have to remove the carburettors to connect the adapters).

With the extension kit you put the adapters permanently into your bikes inlets and connect the rubber hoses to them. Connectors are pushed into the other ends of the hoses to accept the rubber end caps. The ends of the hoses come out at any convenient place you want.

When you want to check your carburetors all you have to do is remove the accessible rubber end caps from the hose connectors and push your gauge hoses onto the connectors. Start your engine and take a reading. Very simple, very quick.

This kit is available with 5mm or 6mm adapters. Please state which you need or give your bike model.

6mm kit fits:
Yamaha R1, all YZF and FZ that use adapters.
Suzuki all GSXR and GSX that use adapters.
Some Kawasaki ZXRs.
All Moto Guzzis.
5mm kit fits:
Any Honda, GS Suzukis that use adapters.

Buy the correct size brass adapters from our shopping cart.
(A simple version of this kit is just put the adapters in the engine and put on four sealing end caps. These end caps are available for any old Kawasaki model and many other bikes.)

You will need about 1.2m (4ft) 3/16” I.d. high temperature automotive fuel hose for a four carb model.
4 blanking plugs to seal end of this hose. These could be a correct size bolt with a smooth shoulder so that the shoulder seals in the fuel hose. Or any sealing bung. Or it could be the straight 5mm nylon connectors you see in the photo to the left, with a sealing end tip.

Before doing any work check adapter thread fits your bike.
Find a convenient position for the rubber tubes to finish on your bike. With a sharp Stanley knife cut rubber tubing into the desired lengths. If all the tubes come out on the same side of the bike then some of them will be longer than others.
Warm one end of each piece with hot water to soften then push white connectors in until the tube reaches central butt on connectors. Or if using a sealing bolt push the bolt in.

Remove blanking screws and washers from inlets. Remove the o-rings from the brass adapters as you do not use them for permanent fitment. Clean the adapter threads.
Apply a high temperature thread locking sealant, something like Loctite, onto the threads and screw into inlets. (If you push spigot end of the brass adapter fully into the fuel hose this will make it easier to screw in adapter.)
Tighten gently. Do not overtighten as they will break.

Put rubber end caps onto end of white connector. Don't push on the whole way but just until it covers first ridge on connectors.
Allow thread sealant to set on brass adapters.
Run engine and check for any air leaks.

Next time you check your carbs all you have to do is pull off the small rubber caps (or blanking bolts) and connect gauge hoses to the connectors. Push hoses on until they cover the first ridge. (If using blanking bolts you may find that the Carbtune restricter is the correct size to fit in the fuel hose.)
At each service check rubber caps for damage. Routine replacement is a good idea.


If parts get lost or damaged you can buy replacements.

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